Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins Book Trailer

If anyone that is Goodreads friends with me would know that I was very excited when I found/discovered Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins on for just $5! I really can't wait to get my copy so I can read it. The book sounds like it's going to be amazing. Plus, you can't really exept anything but awesome when it comes to the books HarperTeen (Harper Collins) publishes.

As for the trailer I really liked how it seems to capture the essensce of the novel. The only thing that bothered me was the girl's country accent. I'm from the South, and I really don't think us Southerners sound like that at all. Maybe it's just me and I'm use to everyone's accent.

Any who, make sure you pre-order or grab Sweet Evil off the shelves May 1!

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