Thursday, December 16, 2010

Father of Lies by Ann Turner Cover Change (Again?)

I was browsing looking at all the awesome books that are coming soon, and happened upon Father of Lies. Only the cover was totally different from what I've been seeing lately. If the cover on is the final cover then that brings the cover change total to 3. And a sad girl (me). I was a fan of the second cover for the book:
Father of Lies
Now here is the cover that has:
Its more darker than the one above this one. I just don't like how her hair is blocking half her face. Plus the second cover compared to this one is more colorful and pretty. What are your opinions?
But really what counts the most is the story inside that book. I'm sure its amazing. Regardless of the cover you can bet I'll be at the bookstore to buy myself a copy.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I like the top picture better. It seems more... real. The bottom picture is just a girl's face. But the top picture hints at a lot more, which I think illustrates the novel better.